Thursday 15 March 2012

FDA HCG & Homeopathic HCG

The FDA has targeted several homeopathic HCG suppliers who sell non-prescription HCG inside the forum of pills, pellets and sprays. The FDA has told you why these items are fraudulent and contain 0 HCG. These homeopathic companies and many more homeopathic HCG products is going to be removed from the market. Many have changed their name and relaunching because the Protein Diet with the exact same HCG weight loss plan.
weight loss products really does work nevertheless it needs to be done with real prescription strength HCG as intended by Dr. Simeons and outlined as part of his manuscript Pounds and Inches. Homeopathic HCG doesn’t follow what Dr. Simeons manuscript requires from HCG 125-200 iu. And all weight loss you purchase must test positive over a pregnancy test strip or it has no HCG inside it.
For several years we've provided main prescription strength HCG for doing HCG via injections or orally as Dr. Simeons has intended. We now have never recommend or encouraged any use of homeopathic HCG as it never contained HCG and wasn't the proper way to carry out the weight loss products protocol.
Remember you can find only Two ways to get real HCG. Doctor prescribed (some have online nationwide services but you are costly) or from an online pharmacy that isn't in america (as well as their affiliates). Remember the FDA will allow you to import up to 3 month way to obtain any drug for private use.
The FDA isn't going to ban HCG, the food you eat isn't regulated, they are just pulling homeopathic weight loss products from the market. You can certainly still get prescription strength HCG injections or sublingal and keep to the diet. Prescription strength HCG is and constantly is going to be legal.


  1. Homeopathic is old and best treatment. My grand ma and father also maintain this treatment present my grand parents are haves a good health. I am also few tips follow Homeopathic treats
    thank you for given a chance, this article well information for me

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